

16 Dec


Happy Monday, Tenno! Back at it with another Hotfix to address your weekend reports and more. 


  • Made the following changes to the Techrot Babau and Scaldra Dedicant to address player feedback on how difficult they were to defeat (especially on the Steel Path):
    • ...
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Tune into twitch.tv/warframe on Thursday, December 19th for Prime Time #418 -- the last one of 2024! With more hijinks, community highlights, and showcases than we know what to do with, you do not want to miss this. The action begins at 6 p.m. ET and you can earn this week’s drop by watching for 45 minutes.

Our Spanish-speaking Tenno can also watch Emisión Tenno on December 18th at 3 p.m. ET over at ...

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Hi there, I can confirm this is an issue specifically due to starting this Quest from the Backroom. If you change your operations to the Orbiter, it should work for you.


Hi Tenno! Just popping in to confirm that the team is planning on revisiting the overall tankiness of the Techrot Baubau and Scaldra Dedicant. Thank you all for your feedback!

14 Dec


Hey Tenno! A rare but necessary Hotfix on a Saturday to address some very important issues so that you can continue enjoying the update. 


  • Made adjustments to the SFX of the Techrot Mutalist's abilities.
  • Tweaked the SFX volume of the Legacyte's abilities.


  • Fixed KIM Daily Conversation reset being set to midnight EST instead of 0:00 UTC. 
    • For Tenno who chatted up the Hex today prior to this hotfix, this bug will persist until you hit reset again (at the bugged time of 0:00 EST). To clarify:
      • For any Protoframe you have chatted with after 0:00 EST on December 14 (but before today’s hotfix), your next set of conversations with them will become available at 0:00 EST on December 15. Once that reset passes, any further conversations will prop...
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Hey folks, thank you so much for the report. After investigating, we realized the reset for this system is applying at midnight based on the player time zone (more or less), instead of 00:00 UTC. For example, my KIM reset will happen at 00:00 EST instead. There's more complicated details that I won't get into here, but I want to confirm: 

  1. It is not resetting with daily reset
  2. Check in at around midnight your time to see if new conversations are available

We do have a fix pending for next hotfix, so apologies! 

15 minutes ago, xcrimsonlegendx said:

I just opened my codex and attempted to look at the entry for the Scaldra TI-92 truck and it completely froze then crashed my game. 

EDIT: Tested and it did it again.

Confirming this is a thing. We'll add to known issues and get the team to look into it (probably next week). In the meantime, the TI-92's codex page may have to remain a mystery. 


Hi Tenno,

We received many reports of players being unable to earn Steel Path trophies for Höllvania missions with Warframe: 1999’s release.

This is due to the way that Steel Path traditionally works: players must complete all nodes in a region before Steel Path becomes available. These Steel Path nodes were not restricted with Warframe: 1999’s release, meaning players could engage in Steel Path level content without it being marked as “complete” in the backend (resulting in no trophies or progress in your Profile). 

With Höllvania, the restrictions to access Steel Path do not exist, you get instant access once you complete the Quest. Unfortunately, you still need to complete these nodes on the Normal Path for the Steel Path progress to register. As of this evening’s hotfix we fixed an issue where Höllvania Central Mall was preventing this progress from being counted, so now you should be able to earn your trophies provided you have completed ...

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Hi Tenno,

Thank you for the report. Unfortunately, you are correct -- this quest is officially progression stopped due to this bug. The team is aware and it is on our priority list for fixes.

13 Dec


Hi Tenno! I recommend shooting at the door with your amp and it should let you in. :) 


Hi Tenno, I can confirm this affects all weapons with a similar mechanic. Unfortunately, this turns out to be a code fix, meaning it will require a Cert build in 2025 to address. We have added it to our Known Issues thread in the meantime: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1425572-known-issues-warframe-1999/


Hi folks, we are aware of a bug where Noctua is unmodded in 1999 Bounties. Are you experiencing this issue in other missions?


Hi Tenno - have you tried using your amp to attack the door at the end of this mission? (Where the waypoint is leading you). If it's still not working, please let me know!

30 minutes ago, dierubikdie said:

How do you start 1999 Bounties from the Orbiter?

You cannot start Bounties but you can start regular 1999 missions via the new infested POM-2 at the front of your ship. (next to the News console)


Hi Tenno, apologies that you're experiencing this progression stop. We can confirm that we're aware of this issue and the team is prioritizing a fix. 


Hi Tenno, for ultimate confirmation -- yes, the findings here are correct. This is only an issue for missions started from the Mall. Entering a 1999 mission from your Orbiter will properly credit kills. 


Hi Tenno, I can confirm this affects Dante's Noctua when he runs Bounty missions in 1999. Thanks for the report, it's on the team's radar!


Hi there, confirming this is a known issue on our radar -- we hope to address it ASAP in a coming hotfix. Thank you for the report. https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1425572-known-issues-warframe-1999/


Hi there, confirming this is a known issue on our team's radar. Thanks for the report, Tenno!


For vis:


NOTE: Players who logged in on Xbox, PSN, Nintendo Switch, and iOS before 10:08 am ET may have seen duplicate Forma inbox messages with a broken string. This was due to an unfortunate set-up error which has now been fixed. Those who received the additional inboxes will keep the Forma — bank error in your favour, Tenno!